Yielding to Sin
​Genesis 4

His Conflict with God Part 4
Jonah: 4 1-11

God is Able
Romans 16:21-27

Establishing the Foundation
​Genesis 2

Feb 27th 2022

Jan 23rd 2022

His Conflict with God Part 3
Jonah: 3: 1-10

​Jim Harvey - Word of Life
Missionary Speaker

It is Finished
John 19:25-30

June 26th 2022

Our Approach to Prayer
Mathew 6:5-13

 The Waters Prevailed
​​​Genesis 7

May 22nd 2022

His Conflict with God Part 2
Jonah: 2: 1-10

June 19th 2022

His Conflict with God
Jonah: 1: 1-17

April 3rd 2022

April 17th 2022

Praying for Victory Over Sin
​Matthew 6:13

Praying and Giving Praise
Mathew 6:9

March 20th 2022

Jan 30th 2022

Missionary Speaker
Ned Farnsworth

The Resurrection of Jesus Christ
Matthew 28:1-10

The Christian in a Ungodly Culture
Selected Scriptures

In the Beginning
Genesis 1

May 1st 2022

April 24th 2022

Praying for God's Will
Mathew 6:10

Jan 2nd 2022

May 8th 2022

Actions Have Consequences
​Genesis 3

May 29th 2022

January to June 2022 Sermons

Righteous in Your Generation
​​Genesis 6

Feb 13th 2022

March 6th 2022

Feb 6th 2022

May 15th 2022

June 5th 2022

A New Beginning
​​​Genesis 8

​Chris Hendrickson - Missionary

April 15th 2022


March 27th 2022

June 12th 2022

Jan 16th 2022

Missionary Dave Huizing

Praying for God's Forgiveness
Matthew 6:12

Feb 20th 2022