December - March 2021 Sermons


March 14th 2021

Jan 17th 2021

Feb 28th 2021

Dec 12th 2020

Dec 27th 2020

Down - But - Not Out
Romans 11:11​-36

Feb 21st 2021

 What's Most Important
1 Corinthians 13:1-7

Catch The Fever
Prov. 23:7; 6:17 Philippians 1:12; 2:5-8; 2:12-13; 4:11; Gal. 6:19 Col . 3:23; 1 Peter 5:2

Jan 31st 2021

God's Majesty and Man's Insignificance

Palms 8

March 28th 2021

 Our Victory in Christ is Certain
​Romans 8:31-39

Dec 6th 2020

 Facing The Fire In 2021 - Part 2 Romans 8:18-30

Jan 3rd 2021

Feb 14th 2021

March 7th 2021

The Ultimate Play
​​Romans 9

Are You Spiritual
Romans 8:1 - 11

What Would Be Your Response​
James 1:1-18

March 21st 2021

Blinded By Preconceptions
​Romans 10

God The Almighty

Feb 7th 2021

Jan 24th 2021

Jan 10th 2021

Facing the Fire 2021 - Part 1
Romans 8:18-25

The Revelation of God
​​​Psalm 19

If they only knew
​Luke 19:28​-24

Only The Gospel Of Christ Is True
Galatians 1:1-9

Don't lose Heart
​Romans 11:1-10